Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Can I Do To Fix A Kidney Infection!! Will These Disqualify Me From Service?

Will these disqualify me from service? - what can i do to fix a kidney infection!!

My Recruiter told me that stupid to lie about my full medical history. He even told me not to say that I am on birth control! I want to fix my papers, but I want to know what to expect. Can I be released from the DEP, because you lied? All I want to do is to serve, and that's what I love most. I am not a liar, but that's me and eaten alive. I would like to clarify this point. In short, I remember that all of my medical history.
~ I was diagnosed w / asthma @ 3 years old, not in the hospital, not an attack had since he was 6 years old. I run pretty well now.
Bowel Syndrome ~ I was in the hospital for what they believed was irritated (was 10). In fact, I was a child, lol constipation.
Cats ~ my allergies are seasonal, and only
~ My only RXBirth control is the
~ I have 2 broken bones, had as a child, but later never had any problems.
~ I had a few ear infections as a child
~ I went to the emergency room for a kidney infection (2 or 3 years?), But I never had any other problems
~ I also went to the emergency room last year, I found another infection, but I had pulled or sprained a muscle in his back when we went to our new home. I raised my bad, I suppose.

These things to disqualify me? I mean, I'm perfectly healthy. I just want to know whether to expect them to give me a chance or be expelled. At the very least not be surprised that way.

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